Cranberry Ginger Ale Salad

There isn't much to say about this one but I chose it because I was intrigued by the use of ginger ale. This recipe once belonged to my great-aunt, which she got from Better Homes and Gardens. I perused a number of digitized books in the Hathitrust and Internet Archives but I could not for … Continue reading Cranberry Ginger Ale Salad

Hallowe’en Salad, a Retro Gelatin Treat

A Dollop of History

To celebrate Halloween, I thought I’d do something a bit more modern. This recipe is most likely from the 1930’s or 1940’s, though the image source ( suggests the possibility of it being even later. There are a few clues that indicate 1940’s or earlier: the font, ingredients, and the spelling of the word Hallowe’en.

halloweensaladFun fact: Spelling Halloween with the apostrophe is actually grammatically correct and was how children learned how to spell it in school. It is a shortened version of Hallows Eve. Over time, a grammatical error actually became the norm and now it is rare (and a little strange) to see it spelled with an apostrophe.

Before we get started with this molded monstrosity, let’s briefly talk history.

Gelatin and the Rise of Convenience Foods

Gelatin and jellied foods have existed for centuries, long before Jell-O patented its instant formula in 1897. Because of its convenience…

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